As designers we wish to stand out from the crowd by playing on our differences. We chose the name "Preg", primarily because it sums up the concept and values we stand for and will display, in addition the word both looks and sounds good.

Brief: concept for our graduate exhibition. Concept: We are designers. We are also all different individuals with unique identities. The sum of our exceptional individuality lies hidden in our fingerprints. Fingerprints are an imprint of line pattern inside the palm of humans and remain unchanged throughout life. It has never before been discovered two people with the same fingerprints, and fingerprints are therefore considered to be unique. This constitutes the basis for our concept. As designers we wish to stand out from the crowd by playing on our differences. We believe this shows better by avoiding the use of overarching themes a là "Arabian Night" and the like, then the individual designer may disappear in theatrical effects. "Preg" represents a diversity and gives designers room for expression. We chose the name "Preg", primarily because it sums up the concept and values we stand for and will display, in addition the word both looks and sounds good.